Monday, February 11, 2008

i <3 propaganda

x Posted from a myspace bulletin/blog.

It's regarding supporting our troops, so if you're offending, my bad - but you should respect my opinions enough to not leave foul comments on my page.

WARNING: its a little foul in itself

So, I just want to take a minute to adress propaganda - ya know, that crap that parties/people spew to try to sway someone....well this rant is in regards to a certain myspace bulletin that basically tries to guilt us tax paying americans into supporting our troops. I know you all have seen it. it says things like, "You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt." or "You have a headache so you call in sick - he gets shot at and keeps going."


Now, im sorry if this offends you, but appearantly a solider overseas is fighting for my right to say it....Here we go

1) There is no draft. Soldiers sign up for duty. I don't dictate where they are stationed. Get off my dick, quit being a bitch about it. I'm tired of non-military personnel telling me that I'm a horrible person because I dont' support the war. Am I supposed to?

No.2) How are they fighting for MY freedom? No. They aren't. They are giving our freedoms to other countries. Not my issue. They aren't fighting here. They are overseas in a country that honestly, probably would have been better off without them. I know I would give up my right to vote to save thousands of lives, so lets not spout that crap.

3) Did no one pay attention to the result of British Imperialism?!?!?! HELLO!!!!!! (see above point on - they are fighting to give our rights/freedoms to other countries)

4) War is stupid. And honestly, it was based on false pretenses, so why should I be made to feel like shit to humor someone?LISTEN, just because I am anti-war, does not make me anti-troops.

Honestly people. I think our president has made some horrible mistakes. I don't agree with his politics. I think this "war" is stupid. We shouldn't have stuck our nose into a civil war thats been continuing on for years. But, those soldiers are there. And I don't want them to die. I want them to come home and see their families - or make families - go to college - do wtfever they want to do. I don't want them to die. But I want this "war" to end.

Jesus christ, GOP. Get your head out of your ass.


PS-same thing applies to "Pro-Choice does not mean Anti-Life"


Anonymous said...

Agreeing with you on both - the entry and the PS.

janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca

Anonymous said...

Agreeing also. I do not support the war; I do support the troops. Sent regular care packages to them when son's friend was deployed. Did no one remember 'Nam when this was starting.