So I decided to tackle a hat. my first hat. So on I went to RAvelry and found a great one skein noro swirl pattern. loved it. t hought Id make it for jason...well, tell me, jason, is it girlie????
I mean, I had to frog it. I used my 10circs when i meant to use my 8s because I only have up to 7 dpns, which i need to finish it off. well, you know how it is when you try to knit on a circle thats too damn doesnt work!!!
so i frogged it. im thankful it only took a couple now i just have to see if jason thinks the colorway is too damn girlie - i think it is - because if he thinks so, im just going to size it down and make it for me. the plan was to originally make him this said hat,m and make a caliometry headband for me, buuuuuuuut....his head is huge...and this is i dunno....i need input...