Thursday, January 31, 2008

i finished something

ok, so i finished the mid month kal from january on the yahoo group, but i made it a little smaller because, well, we dont use them much, and we prefer our dishcloths smaller - since we only wipe tables with them. I know I twisted a row in the middle between the two sets of patterns but I was definately done with this stupid thing....its so soft though. I used S&C - and although i wasnt too pleased with the stranding I got with it, it is a soft yarn...but im dedicated to P&C for sure now!

Additionally, i finished the pattern grid for jason's guitar cloth. well, its a rough one, but i know what it says. (Gote is Jason's nickname). I'm thinking about doing it sideways and striped - like the guitar strap I'm making him. I'm pretty stoked about it. The goal is to ship it to him for VDay. They ( have a show a couple days afterwards, so we will see how it would be nice to BE THERE for the show and just about everything, but June will come quick enough....i hope....

Well, I accomplished something

So, yesterday I went with Mary, Dan and Keira to the Hammocks.

So, here we go with the pics from that:
Mary n I (pigtails) at the playground.

At the start of the trail

Dan, Mary, n Keira on the trail

The thinking tree!

random exercise spot


There was another baby on the other side of the mommy.
the interesting thing about this pic is that it was taken at a part of the trail where it becomes basically a couple of boards over the water, and there is only one hand in THE OTHER SIDE IS OPEN...geeze louise, ya know? gator + no hand rail = babies being eaten by alligators. luckily, dan carried keira around

Deer. it stood there for quite a long time actually. kind of cool...

and now for the artsy pics i took:

Thats about it! enjoy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The first post!

Well guys, its official! I now have a place to update about all my knitting projects (right now there is ... um...2 dishcloths, 1 baby blanket, 1 "Why Sell Weed When You Can Smoke It" Blanket for my boyfriend (original name, huh?), and a toddler blanket. Oh! and a scarf for my mom. I guess I don't always get a lot done, but when I do finish something, it kind of gets the ball rolling on finishing EVERYTHING!

So hello to all my KAL friends! Hopefully there will be something on here shortly!

In non-knitting news, I'm pretty sure that I have poisonwood. Both sides of my face are all puffy and itchy and ever so red. It's creeping down my body, and there just isn't a strong enough coritsone cream. Drat not having insurance! Usually I just head to the doc's for steriods and cortisone shots. Yup, I get it that bad. It's been raining here, and my truck "peed" on me this morning after work (11p-7a night shift). [Author's note: "peeing" refers to when you get into a vehicle, and it has rained, and when you get in, all of the water that is being "stored" in that little lip (some of you know what I mean, I hope) just pours down on you! its fabulous. I hate it.] So i'm pretty sure I got this from a vehicle with bladder issues. And I dont have a day off til Wednesday....grrr.

whatever. What can ya do?

Love n Hugs,